Bus Reservation and Ticketing System In JAVA With Source Code

Bus Reservation and Ticketing System In JAVA With Source Code

About Project

Bus Reservation and Ticketing System is a simple console based application in Java. The feature of this simple application includes adding passengers record, billing and viewing total records. In order to add a passenger, the user has to provide passenger’s name, destination, number of passengers and discount number. Other features include viewing available destination records, billings. This whole system is not built with the help of Netbeans IDE.
There’s no external database connectivity in this simple project. For billings, he/she has to enter passenger’s name. Then the system displays all the informations of the passenger such as name, destination, fare price, number of passengers and discount amount. It also shows the total fare amount and the user has to provide the amount to pay. To view records, the user can simply provide passenger’s name which will display each and every information including total fare price with paid amount, change and status.
Design of this project is very simple so that the user won’t find any difficulties while working on it. To run this project you must compile and run from the Command prompt (for Windows users). Bus Reservation and Ticketing System in Java with source code is free to download, Use for educational purposes only! For the project demo, have a look at the image slider below.


1. Login System
2. View Destinations
3. Add Passengers
4. Billings
5. View total records


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