Rental Management System In Java With Source Code

Rental Management System In Java With Source Code

Project : Rental Management System In Java

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Rental Management system is a simple java project. The whole project is completed Eclipse IDE. Talking about the system, here one can easily operate the rental shop of car and bikes. Here, you just have to enter from which to which date you want to rent. To run this project you will require Eclipse IDE.

About Project

This system is based on a concept to rent cars and generate rental invoice of a rental company. Before stepping into the main system a user has to pass through a login system to get access, then only the user can select cars with a different model and rent for certain days. This mini project contains limited features, but the essential one.
Talking about the features of this Rental System, after logging in as a user he/she has to provide a name then the user can select available cars. After selecting a car, the system displays selected car details which contain maximum power, mileage and many more. Then the user has to provide information such as number of days to rent the car. After all these procedures, the system calculates rent and displays Customer Invoice presenting invoice number, customer’s name, car model, number, number of days and total rental amount.
Car Rental system is a simple system in core Java Programming Language and different variables, strings have been used for the development of it. Car Rental System in Java Programming is free to download with source code. Use for educational purposes only! This mini project provides the simplest system for car rentals of a rental company.


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